16:15 Gowran Park
Wednesday 13 April 2022
Unlimited Replays
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Discover Sporting Life Plus BenefitsAffogato (11/10), Cyclamen (4/1), Alaroos (7/1), Grecian Slipper (8/1), Bells On Her Toes (9/1), Paris Peacock (11/1), Miss Mirabell (12/1), Glamourista (20/1), Giladah (25/1), Be Adored (25/1), Ju Ju Gabor (40/1), Lady Arwen (50/1), Inablink (50/1), Theresathought (100/1), Flier (125/1), Cheeky Peek (200/1), Mags Angel (250/1), Pink Sky At Night (300/1), All Ways And Ever (300/1)
CYCLAMEN has had a few chances but she showed pretty useful form when a close third in a Leopardstown handicap on her return and is the standard setter here. Likely improvers Paris Peacock, Affogato, who has been the subject of a very interesting trainer change, and Alaroos head the dangers.