19:35 Lingfield
Saturday 31 July 2021
Unlimited Replays
of all UK and Irish races with our Race Replays
Discover Sporting Life Plus BenefitsMakinitup (8/11), Eikonix (3/1), Marie Paradis (13/2), Knightofpentacles (10/1), Tilsworth Taibo (28/1), Kalash Princess (33/1), Jerriais (40/1), Bonnie Beth (66/1), Ca Ne Fait Rien (150/1)
One of the newcomers certainly wouldn't need to be out of the ordinary to take this. EIKONIX and Knightofpentacles are both pretty appealing on paper and marginal preference is for the former. Makinitup is bound to be popular following her success here earlier this month, but that wasn't much of a race and she's likely to be plenty short enough in the betting.