14:20 Newmarket
Wednesday 23 October 2024
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Discover Sporting Life Plus BenefitsHidden Secret (5/2), Treble Tee (10/3), Eternal Force (5/1), Mudbir (7/1), Pinhole (15/2), Due West (15/2), Humam (14/1), Happy Banner (28/1), Kitty's Dream (150/1)
HIDDEN SECRET was held back by greenness when down the field in a novice won by his smart stablemate Ancient Truth on the July Course this summer. He's been gelded in the meantime and a much better showing can be expected. There are some well-bred newcomers for powerful stables in opposition, the standout being Mudbir, who's from a family connections' have had plenty of success with. Due West is another notable debutant.