20:30 Southwell
Friday 12 April 2024
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Discover Sporting Life Plus BenefitsVan Zant (11/4), Specialist View (3/1), Angel Of Antrim (9/2), Masham Moor (15/2), Reformed Character (17/2), Wee Geordie (9/1), Urban Champion (12/1), Pop Favorite (22/1), Recorwoman (25/1)
It remains to be seen if SPECIALIST VIEW will be able to build on her much-improved C&D third in a classified race here recently but, if able to do so, she will have every chance off this lowly mark on her first run in a handicap. Angel of Antrim put in a decent shift on debut for this yard at Wolverhampton and he is feared most ahead of Van Zant and Wee Geordie.