16:00 Dundalk
Friday 19 January 2024
Unlimited Replays
of all UK and Irish races with our Race Replays
Discover Sporting Life Plus BenefitsDream Today (7/2), Dontspoilasale (7/2), Marsa (6/1), Inishmot Prince (8/1), Collective Power (8/1), Ostraka (9/1), Prisoner's Dilemma (11/1), Livingston Range (12/1), Rough Diamond (16/1), Distillate (16/1), Coolcalmncollected (50/1), Belle Fourche (50/1), Musical Tribute (66/1)
DREAM TODAY relished the chance of tactics when making all over C&D 51 days ago and he's still on a fair mark, so he's worth chancing to go in again. Dontspoilasale looks a big threat and Distillate can't be ruled out.