20:30 Southwell
Tuesday 15 March 2022
Unlimited Replays
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Discover Sporting Life Plus BenefitsBurrows Seeside (3/1), Capla Spirit (9/2), Burj Malinka (11/2), Water Of Leith (6/1), Rajmeister (13/2), Igotatext (7/1), Sarah's Verse (8/1), Tributo (17/2), Helvetian (10/1), Steelriver (12/1), Eldelbar (40/1), Vivency (40/1)
WATER OF LEITH's losing run is a worry but he remains one to be interested in having again shaped well from off the pace at Wolverhampton last week. Sarah's Verse ran well at Wolverhampton on her return 2 weeks ago and is on a workable mark if building on that, with Capla Spirit and Burrows Seeside others to consider.