19:00 Dundalk
Friday 4 February 2022
Unlimited Replays
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Discover Sporting Life Plus BenefitsHavana Pearl (1/1), Knightlaila (3/1), Silk Damask (11/2), Kawazaki (6/1), Dromore Glory (12/1), Fortune Maker (20/1), Chancey Approach (20/1), Gericho (22/1), Actually (25/1), Sovereignty (40/1), Two Socks (66/1), Darraby (80/1), French Rescue (100/1), Dulargy Star (150/1), Stabila (150/1), Pink Sky At Night (200/1), Somedayonedaynever (250/1)
Not so competitive as the numbers suggest, and HAVANA PEARL looks the way to go given she holds a solid chance on the form of her third here and seems sure to take a step forward now tackling 1m for the first time. Recent course second Silk Damask rates a solid threat ahead of debut C&D third Knightlaila and Muhaarar newcomer Gericho.