13:40 Southwell
Sunday 9 January 2022
Unlimited Replays
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Discover Sporting Life Plus BenefitsMasqool (6/4), Masham Moor (4/1), Shyjack (15/2), Inexplicable (8/1), Tie A Yellowribbon (9/1), Daany (9/1), Love Your Work (12/1), Makambe (16/1), You Missed Her (20/1), Cashel (25/1), Il Pescatore (40/1), The Nail Gunner (40/1), Fliss Floss (66/1), Forbearing (100/1)
On the back of a very eye-catching performance over C&D last month, MASQOOL justified strong support back here last week and, as a lightly-raced 4-y-o with a good pedigree, further success beckons. Masham Moor was also a decisive winner last time and enters calculations, along with Love Your Work starting out for Rebecca Menzies.