18:40 Newcastle
Saturday 23 January 2021
Unlimited Replays
of all UK and Irish races with our Race Replays
Discover Sporting Life Plus BenefitsRockley Point (3/1), Atrafan (7/2), Eldelbar (11/2), Suwaan (13/2), Gigi's Beach (7/1), Billy Dylan (12/1), Secret Equity (12/1), Bringing Glory (14/1), Swanton Blue (20/1), Littlemissattitude (28/1), Mrs Tiffen (100/1), The Kyllachy Touch (125/1)
This can go to ROCKLEY POINT, who was beaten only by one going through a really good spell here last week. Last-time-out winner Atrafan and Eldelbar head the dangers.