A marathon that has often gone to an improver and
JEPECK looks a likely type this year. The ex-pointer has had problems with his jumping and scoped wrong after a poor run on his penultimate start. He survived a couple of errors to finish third in a gruelling race at Exeter last time that looked a lot stronger than this. If jumping just marginally better he can take all the beating.
Vinegar Hill is another unexposed chaser who won here last time and may have more to offer, although he is another who needs to tidy up his jumping.
Two Smokin Barrels likes to see the mud flying so connections will be hoping conditions remain as advertised, whilst
Lord Heathfield won first time out at this stage last season and
Amiral Collonges will appreciate the trip.
- Jepeck
- Vinegar Hill
- Two Smokin Barrels